Electroknit Dymaxion: Turning Stitches into Pixels

Building a digital presence for an analog work

Created: Dec 20, 2022
Last Modified: Dec 20, 2022

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! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc.

This article is a work in progress*

Electroknit Dymaxion was a 3d sculpture with 2019 I worked on with Cat Mazza in 2019.

Here’s the placard for the outdoor installation. The information was a vector graphic designed in Illustrator, then laser-etched onto a block of wood, and embedded into the grass nearby the sculpture.

A layer of paint was then brushed over it - the color being International Orange (#ff4f00) - I chose this color based on a precedent set by its it’s history for usage in working-class labor environments, aerospace.

Zine Layout

The project was accompanied by a workshop that occurred at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, one of the show’s locations. In addition to the digital component and fabrication, I was asked to lead the development of the workshop marterials. The concept was a self-published zine for workshop-goers to.